Sunday 12 June 2011

what's success??

Hi my first Blog!!

Success is one magic word which the whole world crave after. After all what is this jargon about? I thought i could sit cool in a corner and think about it. Only issue here is i am thinking aloud and in writing too.

My perspective emnates out of my upbringing, my experience and the rat race which continues  on full swing around me.

First thing first, this word first, number one is so ingrained in Succes is it not? Right from our childhood we were taught, groomed, many a time brainwashed that it's a sin to come number two which can be in  a friendly game, school race, vocation based competition like quiz, drawing, JAM and what not. Coming second in a  pre Mid term exam in a preKG ( sorry if i sound saarky!but cannot help it) class is just unacceptable and if a kid is consistent in missing his/ her 1st rank then the kid had it. That's where the trouble starts. People attach so much importance to number 1 which makes me think why at all other numbers should exist?... If everyone had to come first then who will take the next positions or numbers.. Ok Scene changes now....

Std X: The budding teenager is on tender hooks as he/she is in a "pressure cooker situation" mom, dad, uncles, aunts, friends, neighbours and THE SO CALLED WELL WISHERS ( hmm saarky again!) are eagerly waiting to slot this teenager into one word called successful. Even if the teenager scores 98 or 99 Ofcourse on 100 damn it :)-the poor fella is brandished for msising the mark. He is made guilty and many a time guillotined too.. ( Louis XIV will be put to shame by these well wishers), instead of tasting and toasting to the success, the kid will me introspecting what mistake he did in losing that vital 1 or 2 marks..

The scene is set for this guy ( not a MCP for ease i am using this gender) to forcefully think on "Fail Safe strategies" and he works his back side off to fight for the 100th percentile as if other percentiles were non existent. This guy compromises the happiness, entertainment, fun, humor and bashes on regardless to become the numero uno in whatever he is aspiring for. Nothing wrong so far..

This guy finishes graduation, post graduation, gets a plum job from the campus and lands in a MNC and becomes the most revered, benchmarked and most sought after individual ..Nothing wrong so far. .

He gets married ( let's not worry whether it is an arranged marriage or love marriage but one thing is sure he gets married to a girl, important is it not or is it a PJ) anyways!! gets into the journey of a family man and then passes on the baton what his elders had taught him to his by products... He makes zillions, runs the company, creates wealth, divorces, son and daughter go their own way not listening to his advises and he retires and wonders what to do... This story is not new but the learnings are resounding..

Was he wrong in being a number 1 student, number 1 in his career, number 1 in achieving his goals, number 1 in creating wealth.. ? no he wasn't..where did he lose out?... Think

The flavour of the story may change and you may change it to suit your life but at the end ??? Success eludes one totally, are available in bits and parts, available more to others excepting you, or not to one's liking.. and many other permutations and combinations. Now let's revist the title of this blog.. what's success??

Is success materialistic?
Is it to occupy the numero uno position?
Is it to get to the CXO position
Is it wealth = Rs.  / $ xxxxx?
Is it to grow the business exponentially ?
Is it to see the kids acheive the above? and so on...

let's rewind our past, everyone feels that his/ her school days college days were golden, nostalgia makes them to feel happy, and heave a sigh.. and have a lump in one's throat.. why? dont you feel that when you rewind the past, you would have added many trailing zero's in your bank account, atleast one house if not more, two cars to wroom.. seen the world etc. etc.. still why the lump? why the sigh??..

Now comes my theory, funda or recipe for success which suits me and it is not prescriptive at all

Never attach too much importance to number 1 slot, i was lot happier in not compromising my teenage escapades than marrying my books round the clock.
Pick up some alternate talents be it reading, sports, music, painting, etc which comes to our help in the longer run
Never stay indoors, we did not have internet, facebooks, twitters, but friends outside be it in grounds, parks, tea shops but we were on the roads literally. Street taught us many things than the institutions..
A game of cricket on the road tested us always to face defeats and we used to fight argue and get on with the next game. initially it was tough to face defeats but we when we started tasting success the next game, we knew the secret of facing defeat and success with an agnostic expression
We used to be thrown out of the class for chatting, not doing homework, teasing girls but always were ready to participate in skits, debates, JAM, sports and enjoyed our lives...

In life we always postpone happiness to the next stage in life and when we get old, we have lumps in our throats and nostalgia of the past..

Journey is important and not the end result.. we miss enjoying the journey thinking that we will enjoy once we reach the target. How many times you enjoyed alighting down the train/bus?  How many times we felt blank after finishing the last exam? Enjoy the journey, every over in cricket is important not when we beat or miss the target?

Success is individualistic and customised.. it is not a holy grail, or a formula cast in stone where one can follow and achieve it. If one do not know how to enjoy life and still stay focused, if one is not healthy even if wealthy, if one is well healed and has a broken family, if one is a superstar in whatever arena he is in and cannot get a good sleep, when one is a disturbed soul, what is the use of the hardships/ struggle/ effort  during the journey of life.. Think. each one should know what makes one tick, do not look at neighbours and live life, do not look at colleagues in office and work, do not think what your so called well wishers will think of you, it does not matter,, you live for yourself and be in your zone, your thought process, and do good to yourself and others..

Sucess is a feel and and many a time it's a mirage in the desert for the mercenary but for the guys who are rooted to the ground it is within them.. .Heavens sake start living for yourself .. stop being hypocrite, stop being snobbish, you made 3 idiots successfull but start implementing the fundas in life. Mental peace is in your hands and not outside. You determine your fate, your success called INNER PEACE..

My father taught me what was success if it sounds banal to you, are basic then you need to read this again and again.
He said, that whatever you ate it gets digested and whenver you crash in the bed sleep envelops you... then you are successful.. believe me it is profound statement as the rich and famous they will give tons of money to get atleast one if not both..

Cheers. please give your valued feedback and comments.