Thursday 9 September 2021

 Fallen Intellect: Part 2

On the day of  “Ganesha Chathurthi” the most revered , followed and loved Hindu God Ganesha, I felt that we should revisit certain fundamentals of what Lord Ganesha depicts.  as you read the Extract from the book “ Symbolism of Hindu Gods & Rituals by my one of the Guru Sri Swami Parthasarathy, which is shared below Verbatim”  you will either download/revisit the image of Lord Ganesha as you read each of the paragraphs below :)-

The Hindu religion is ingeniously designed to treat all types of disorders of the mind.  The human mind is most complex suffering from multifold diseases.  Religion is meant to cure these diseases to regain spiritual health.  Just as there cannot be one doctor one cure for all diseases, Hindu religion is likewise.  Religion is meant to take the mind away from the mundane worldly activity to focus on the one Self within.  Since the mind possesses desires, the ramblings of the mind never stop.  The great sages, hence, brought gods and goddesses , rituals and festivals, ceremonies and celebrations.  The master plan of the sages was to divinise everything in this world since the human mind is always on the objects of the world.  Religion is derived from 2 latin terms Re (Back again) and Ligare (Bind / Unite). Etymologically, religion means "that which binds one back to the origin".


Ganah means Multitude Isha means Lord. - Ganesha literally means Lord of all beings. In Hindu Mythology, Ganesha is described as having a human form with an Elephant head one of the tusks broken. He has a conspicuously large stomach sitting one leg folded in. At his feet, there's a variety of food spread.  A rat sits near the food and looks up. This mystic form is actually the perfect human form and the path to reaching the perfection.

The first step of spiritual education is shravana (listening).  Second step is Manana (independent reflection) upon the truths listened to.  The large ears symbolise listening and the large head represents Wisdom.  The trunk which springs out from the head represents Intellect. Intellect is the discriminating faculty, the discerning ability or the judging capacity in Man.  The intellect is of 2 types - gross and subtle.  Gross intellect is that aspect of his discrimination which is applicable to the realm of  the terrestrial world, distinguishing between day & night, Black & white, joy & sorrow etc. Subtle intellect is the other aspect which distinguishes between finite & infinite, the real & the unreal, the terrestrial & the transcendental. The trunk of an elephant has the unique capacity to perform both gross and subtle actions (can uproot a tree and pick up a needle). So Ganesha's head is symbolic of the person who has the wisdom and perfect understanding both terrestrial and transcendental worlds.

The world is defined as pairs of opposites eg  Heat and cold (physical); joy and sorrow (mental); honour and dishonour (intellectual)... This is represented by the 2 tusks.  One broken tusk symbolises the fact that a perfect human being is not swayed by the pairs of opposites that confront him in the world.  The pairs of opposites are likes and dislikes. Man should endeavour to go beyond likes and dislikes.

The large belly - indicates that the man of perfection can consume and digest all types of experiences and maintain an unaffected grace through the fluctuations of the world. 

In Hindu mythology, Kubera (lord of wealth) offered dinner to Ganesha at his palace. Ganesha ate all the food prepared for the entire gathering and started eating festive decorations.. Lord Shiva came and offered a handful of roasted rice. Ganesha consumed it and his hunger was satisfied immediately.  This is indicative of 2 aspects - man is never satisfied with the joys and sorrows provided by the world. The only way to attain absolute fulfillment or peace is to consume our own vaasanas (unmanifest desires) in us. The destruction of desires is represented by consumption of roasted rice (has lost its capacity to germinate upon being roasted)

The folded legs - The leg on the ground indicates that personality of man which deals with the terrestrial world, whereas the other is ever rooted in the Supreme Reality Atman.

At the feet of Lord Ganesha is spread an abundance of food. Food represents material wealth, power and prosperity. When a man follows high principles of living indicated earlier, he achieves these material gains. He has them always at his command though he has an attitude of indifference towards them.  Beside the food there's a tiny rat looking up to Lord Ganesha.  The rat doesn't touch the food but waits for the master's sanction.  The rat represents DESIRE.  A rat has a small mouth with sharp teeth but it is the greediest of all animals. One little desire entering a man's mind can destroy all his material and spiritual wealth earned over many years. The rat looking up symbolises desires being under control.   The activities of such a man is motivated by his clear discrimination and judgement rather than emotional craving.  The symbolism of Lord Ganesha riding a rat is the control over desires.

Ganesha has four arms representing Manas (mind) Buddhi (intellect),  Ahankara(Ego) and Citta (conditioned consciousness).  Lord Ganesha represents pure Consciousness (the Atman) which enables the four arms to function in you.  Oner hand holds the axe which symbolises destruction of desires and attachment and their consequent agitations and sorrows.  Another a hand holds a rope which is meant to pull the seeker out of his worldly entanglements and bind him to his own SELF.  The third hand holds a Modaka - rice ball representing the joyous rewards of spiritual seeking.  The fourth hand he holds a Padma (Lotus) thus drawing the attention of seekers to that Supreme state that each one aspires for through proper spiritual practices.

Thus, by indicating to mankind the GOAL of human evolution and the path to reach the same.  Lord Ganesha occupies a place of distinction in the Hindu pantheon.

Sanathana Dharma / Hinduism is Universal and anyone can follow it  and Lord Ganesha is Universal too, he transcends everything.

Wish you all a Peace of Mind, Health, Prosperity and Happiness. Stay Safe , Stay Positive, Stay Healthy and Stay Spiritual.